Call to take part in the FCI Centenary Champion of Champions event
Half of the FCI Centenary Year has now gone by and we can already look back on two
very successful centenary events: the FCI Centenary Winner Show in Dortmund and
the FCI Centenary World Dog Show in Paris. The next major event, shortly to be taking
place, will be the Centenary European Show in Leeuwarden (NL). We would like to
take this opportunity of wishing the organisers every success.
The culmination of the Centenary Year will be the FCI Cynological Days, to be held
in Brussels on 11-14 November. We would like to recommend the following events to
member and partner countries: the symposium on 11 November and the FCI Centenary
World Champion of Champions (CoC) competition on 12 November 2011 (open to qualified
dogs), together with the Centenary Gala Evening (for delegates from national kennel
clubs and invited guests). We recommend exhibitors not to miss the FCI Centenary
World Champion of Champions event on 12 November. Entries for this event will be
accepted and processed by the Union Royale Cynologique Saint-Hubert in the period
5-30 September 2011. Reminder: Qualified dogs are those having gained a CACIB at
either the Brussels Show in December 2010 or at one of the Centenary shows (Dortmund,
Paris or Leeuwarden) in 2011. Also entitled to take part are all "FCI international
champions" (CIB and CIE). With the CoC event in Brussels a "once in a blue moon"
event, we hope to see as many qualified dogs as possible taking part. The more dogs
entered, the more interesting the competition will be. We are counting on your being
Yours sincerely,
Hans W. Müller
FCI President
2011 FCI General Assembly in Paris
On 4 and 5 July 2011, almost 150 delegates from 67 countries gathered in Paris for
the General Assembly of the Centenary Year of the FCI. This was organised by the
Société Centrale Canine (SCC) at the Hotel Novotel Paris Charles de Gaulle.
Various topics were discussed and some important decisions were made. This General
Assembly took place in an excellent atmosphere, beginning on Monday 4 July at 9.30
a.m. and ending on Tuesday 5 July at 4 p.m. after two days of varied discussion
and debate.
Among the important decisions made, we would like to highlight:
Election of the President and members of the General Committee
- H. Müller was elected president for 2 years.
- R. de Santiago (PR), K. Järvinen (FI) et S. Stefik (SK) were elected for
a term of 4 years.
- G. Jipping (NL) was elected for a term of 2 years.
Election of the members of the mandatory commissions
- Legal Commission
J.L. Cunha de Vasconcelos (BR) was elected for 4 years.
W. Céspedes Arias (CR) was elected for 2 years.
- Standards Commission
J. Nallem (UY) et R. Sporre-Willes (SE) were elected for 4 years.
- Scientific Commission
B. Denis (FR), Z. Trainin (IL) et K. Sainio (FI) were elected for 4 years.
Election of the Accounts Auditor and his Deputy
N-E Ahmansson was elected FCI Accounts Auditor and D. Skok his deputy. They were
both elected for a 2-year term.
Honorary member
By a unanimous decision, C. Molinari (PT) was made an honorary member of
the FCI.
New full and associate members
- The national canine organisations of the following countries have achieved the status
of full member:
Iceland, Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong.
- The national canine organisations of the following countries have achieved the status
of associate member:
China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Montenegro and Nicaragua.
Definitive recognition of breeds (awarded by CACIB)
Berger blanc Suisse (white Swiss shepherd dog)
Dogo Canario
World Dog Shows
The 2015 and 2016 FCI World Dog Shows have been awarded to:
2015 : Milan (Italy)
2016 : Moscow (Russia)
© Imre Horvath

We would like to thank the SCC for organising the largest General Assembly ever
Yves De Clercq
Executive Director