Call to take part in the FCI Centenary Champion of Champions event

Half of the FCI Centenary Year has now gone by and we can already look back on two very successful centenary events: the FCI Centenary Winner Show in Dortmund and the FCI Centenary World Dog Show in Paris. The next major event, shortly to be taking place, will be the Centenary European Show in Leeuwarden (NL). We would like to take this opportunity of wishing the organisers every success.

The culmination of the Centenary Year will be the FCI Cynological Days, to be held in Brussels on 11-14 November. We would like to recommend the following events to member and partner countries: the symposium on 11 November and the FCI Centenary World Champion of Champions (CoC) competition on 12 November 2011 (open to qualified dogs), together with the Centenary Gala Evening (for delegates from national kennel clubs and invited guests). We recommend exhibitors not to miss the FCI Centenary World Champion of Champions event on 12 November. Entries for this event will be accepted and processed by the Union Royale Cynologique Saint-Hubert in the period 5-30 September 2011. Reminder: Qualified dogs are those having gained a CACIB at either the Brussels Show in December 2010 or at one of the Centenary shows (Dortmund, Paris or Leeuwarden) in 2011. Also entitled to take part are all "FCI international champions" (CIB and CIE). With the CoC event in Brussels a "once in a blue moon" event, we hope to see as many qualified dogs as possible taking part. The more dogs entered, the more interesting the competition will be. We are counting on your being there!

Yours sincerely,

Hans W. Müller
FCI President
Continental Pointers – Spring European Cup and FCI Jubilee Contest 2011

© Antonio M. Fernández
L. & r,. Mr. Bahlke and Mr. Fernandez giving the trophies to Mr. Theo Carbijn (center)
The Spring European Cup took place in Ijzendijke (Netherlands), on April 11th, during the Zeeland’s Week 2011 that also included the FCI Jubilee Contest, the German Shorthaired Pointers World Championship and that of the Amicale de l’Epagneul Breton.

The Raad van Beheer was in charge of the organisation, superbly directed by Mr Peter Bahlke, whose team did an excellent work, to be emphasised their professionalism and the excellent hospitality shown to all.

56 dogs of 12 countries took part in the competition: Belgium (5 dogs), Croatia (5 dogs), Denmark (5 dogs), Spain (5 dogs), France (5 dogs), Greece (3 dogs), The Netherlands (5 dogs), Italy (5 dogs), Poland (4 dogs), Czech Republic (5 dogs), Serbia (4 dogs) and Sweden (5 dogs). Of which 47 were main team members and 9 reserves; all countries were represented by a mean team of 4 dogs, except Greece that had 3.

© Antonio M. Fernández
The fields of Zeeland at Ijzendijke; barrage for the Coupe of Europe

The teams and judges’ presentation parade took place in the gardens of the "Party Centrum Mauritshof " in Ijzendijke, and the farewell ceremony in the hall of the same complex, all with excellent facilities and caring service.
The weather was magnificent and the fields excellent, though with unequal density of game. The results were a little scanty and not too brilliant since no CACIT was reached in any series.

© Antonio M. Fernández
L. to r., Dolby, Govinko & Naike with their handlers, & judges M. Duchein, M. Lassandre & M. Cornet

A barrage was needed to break the tie of three dogs with First Excellently in the series, it was judged by Mr Lassandre (France), Mr Cornet (Belgium) and Mr Duchein (Switzerland). There, the Epagneul Breton Naike, belonging to Mr Michael Skrzek (Poland), led by Mr Giuseppe Molinari, won the individual title; the German shorthaired pointer Govinco del Rade Savic (Serbia), led by Mr Rade Savic hinself, qualified second, and Dolby de la Judería (Spain), led by Mr Jose L. Aragon, third. The title for teams was not assigned as none reached the minimum needed of two classified dogs.

© Antonio M. Fernández
L. to r., Mr. Sjöstrom, M. Nargaud & M. Gerlet, judges of the barrage for the FCI Jubilee Contest, with winner Irion and owner Mr. Carbijn


© Antonio M. Fernández
FCI Jubilee Contest winner Irion & owner & handler Theo Carbijn
With the exceptional occasion of the 100th anniversary of the FCI foundation, this field trial gave the possibility of achieving a rare award, probably the only one of its type - since the next occasion will be in one hundred years - and by then who knows if any field trials can be held on wild game? It took place on April 12th, also in Ijzendijke, in the same fields as the European Cup, to which were added four similar in neighbouring villages; the same team was in charge of the organisation. The participation was limited to dogs that could credit a minimum qualification of EXCELLENT in the Spring discipline. Ninety-five dogs where registered, belonging to handlers with dogs selected for the European Cup and for the other championships of the Zealand’s Week. The weather was in the line of the previous days and the results continued a little exiguous.

© Antonio M. Fernández
Naike winner of the Cup of Europe with his handler Mr. Molinari.
In 8 series of the ‘solo’ contest three dogs achieved the CAC, Tar Herak, German shorthaired pointer male, led by Mr Hari Herak (Croatia), Colombo du Pied du Mont, German shorthaired pointer male led by Mr André Fusillier (France) and Irion van de Krepelse Heide led by Mr Theo Carbijn. A barrage was judged by Mr Nargaud (Belgium), Mr Gerlet (France) and Mr Sjöstrom (Sweden), in which Irion received the CACIT and became the only existing owner of the award. The R-CACIT was not granted.

Antonio M. Fernández