Call to take part in the FCI Centenary Champion of Champions event

Half of the FCI Centenary Year has now gone by and we can already look back on two very successful centenary events: the FCI Centenary Winner Show in Dortmund and the FCI Centenary World Dog Show in Paris. The next major event, shortly to be taking place, will be the Centenary European Show in Leeuwarden (NL). We would like to take this opportunity of wishing the organisers every success.

The culmination of the Centenary Year will be the FCI Cynological Days, to be held in Brussels on 11-14 November. We would like to recommend the following events to member and partner countries: the symposium on 11 November and the FCI Centenary World Champion of Champions (CoC) competition on 12 November 2011 (open to qualified dogs), together with the Centenary Gala Evening (for delegates from national kennel clubs and invited guests). We recommend exhibitors not to miss the FCI Centenary World Champion of Champions event on 12 November. Entries for this event will be accepted and processed by the Union Royale Cynologique Saint-Hubert in the period 5-30 September 2011. Reminder: Qualified dogs are those having gained a CACIB at either the Brussels Show in December 2010 or at one of the Centenary shows (Dortmund, Paris or Leeuwarden) in 2011. Also entitled to take part are all "FCI international champions" (CIB and CIE). With the CoC event in Brussels a "once in a blue moon" event, we hope to see as many qualified dogs as possible taking part. The more dogs entered, the more interesting the competition will be. We are counting on your being there!

Yours sincerely,

Hans W. Müller
FCI President
FCI 100-year Jubilee Sighthound Race

For the centenary celebration of the FCI a Sighthound race could not fail on the event list. That it would take place in one of the 5 founding countries of the FCI seems only normal. The choice of the CDL fell on Germany which is the most centrally located. The DWZRV decided on the track of Müenster-Altenberge “Waltruper Forst”. This sand track, a double-U endless oval with 43 m curve radius was the perfect location due to its infrastructure and ability to accommodate a lot of dogs and visitors. Total entry of dogs was 243 coming out of 10 different countries of which only 188 finally came to the start. Although this title was something special to obtain, the entry numbers can be called very disappointing knowing that the organisation expected at least the double. Maybe the downward-sloping economics and the drastically high fuel prices since last year are the reason. Let us hope for the sport this will not be an ongoing development.

© Marc Goetstouwers

Organising country Germany had 91 dogs at the start which was the largest entry and Finland delivered the lowest entry with only 2 dogs. As expected the popular breeds for racing had the largest number of entry, 72 whippets and 28 greyhounds. Lowest numbers for the rare breeds such as Deerhound, Podenco Ibicenco and Sloughi, only represented by 1 specimen. It was a real shame that the entered Pharao Hounds, Azawakh and Cirneco dell Etna’s didn’t turn up. It is always a joy to watch the more exotic breeds pursuing the lure.

© Marc Goetstouwers

On Saturday as well as Sunday the event started on time and without any major technical or other problems during the day. All races and ceremonies were conducted within the timeframe to everybody’s satisfaction and this only due a well-organised team of dedicated people. On Saturday the presentation of the winners ceremonial robe and cups was assisted by Mr Uwe Fischer and on Sunday by Mrs Christa Bremer, vice-president of the VDH. Mr Martin Haas, president of the CDL was deservedly happy with the organisation and the results of this special event as he claimed in his final speech. In the end the most important was that the dogs were able to run in a safe environment without any major injuries to be noted. Up to the next major sighthound racing event which is the “Sighthounds - European Championship - Races” in Beringen (Belgium) on 2-3 September 2011.

Marc and Bettina Goetstouwers-Fredrix